Tokyo, June 1, 2007
Cabinet Meeting Decision
(Tentative Translation)
I. State of the Global Environment and Key Challenges
II. Becoming a Leading Environmental Nation for a Better World
III. Eight Strategies to Be Implemented as Priorities in the Next One to Two Years
recycle reduce reuse repair renovation
How do you think about this work of mannequin PoP?
This is a recycle work, which is made from packing materials such as cardboard and cushioning. The price would be 3,000 yen in PoP;Point of Purchase Advertising.
Any high technique and equipment are not used for it. However, it looks like an artwork, isn’t it?
We are going to spread the PoP World, which is artistic, and Re-Conscious to stores and companies in Japan and all over the world.
We encourage children and handicapped people to join this project to express their art skills not only in closed art gallery but also in the real world. We will support their artworks in a sustainable way.
We appreciate children, handicapped and aged people in the world joining the project. They can enjoy the creative activities by using scrap materials with their family or volunteer in their own house or workplace.
Of course, this activity has an economic side, as a business, but it must contribute to the regional vitalization through each one of the artwork, which would be created with the local companies and spread to Material, Store and City.
We at ArTU are willing to publish your artwork, give an advice of production and support for training if you want. However, you might not need these supports once you got the image of the project from the Facebook page of ArTU. You may just go through the real activities and gain experiences.
We can also provide opportunities of matching between an artist and a local company or organization if you want. However, we recommend that the local authority or volunteers make a deal with a local store or company directory with an explanation of the project.
Companies that will join the project can improve their image as an art project and can also create a deep connection with a local society through CSR activities.
The project of ArTU is one small step. However, we hope the project will grow and create millions of employment, especially for the handicapped people and aged people, who can participate in the society without discrimination. We also hope they enjoy their work with a purpose in life as well as those who need a support, which is the Japanese’s biggest concern, will turn to the people who support others drastically.
Arts and Crafts
Museum and Gallery
Market Unit
Market Global
Zero garbage art
Old・Challenged・Children with Arts and Crafts of the Commodity.
POP Graffiti and Mannequin PoP Project
●place Home-electronics cafe 0357
Gamo 3-5-7, Joto-ku, Osaka, Japan 536-0016
●organizer ArTU
●supporter POPBOX corporation
●contact TEL 06-7182-9246 e-mail
Start up region/Kadamo in Japan
A geography that goes beyond the traditional geographical borders and creates a network among people who have common sensibilities and ideals.
reD HOUSE Gallery